Since Australia is 15 hours ahead of the US, I didn't have to stay up late the night of the 4th to witness history being made. I was still in my pajamas after committing myself to the TV for the morning and afternoon, watching election coverage. These campaigns and this election were not just for the United States, the entire world looked on with morbid fascination. Australia was no different. Three out of the five channels we receive in our flat were showing non-stop election coverage, complete with Australian experts on the American governmental system. Also, with no responsibility, and no 'Florida incident' hanging over their heads, the Aussie pundits could make outrageous comments with no fear of repercussions. The host was unapologetically in favor of Obama. They called the election for him about an hour and a half before the American media did. My flatmates and I watched the TV for hours that day, feeling the same hope as countless other Americans in the country and overseas. McCain's speech was eloquent and incredibly humble. Obama's was inspiring and moving. It gave me chills the entire time.
Once it was finalized, we Americans knew that we had to celebrate. There's a bar on campus here called The Tavern so some of us went to the bar to watch election aftermath and have a beer. There were people from all over the world at the Tav and while the election may not have affected them directly, they appreciated the historic nature. Obama is the embodiment of change, which we certainly need after 8 years of idiocy. I can't wait until January 20th to start getting our country back on the right path.
Oh the joy of unencumbered idealism! Enjoy your euphoria & celebrations for now, as we will soon see the true man and see how his administration develops from the retoric of a campaign.
As for me, I fear for the results of this outcome. The House and Senate leaders are already licking their money hungry lips, along with the Obama contributors, that each want to get their "due" from the new administration.
I already pay too much in taxes and know that all of us that go to work each day, earn a nice living, contribute freely to our choice of charities, pray to a loving God, believe in protection for the unborn or helpless, and hope that our government learns to do with less rather than just grow to excess.
We are going to see "Change", I just hope it is the type that the other 55,000,000+ that didn't vote that way can still live with. Have a safe trip Home ! UNCLE TOM
i miss you guys too! stay tune for a surprise! when's your exams again?
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