I'll go through a list.

Crow: I know what you're thinking. Crows? We have those in the U.S...nothing special. Oh but yes, there is something special. These crows decided not to go with your standard crow noise. You know what I'm talking about, like a 'Caw! Caw!' sort of thing. No, these crows decided to go with something far less sinister and far more annoying. They tend to make the noise of a dying or injured cat. More of a 'Meehehhhh!' sound. Plus, they sometimes undulate their voice, so it becomes this awful drawn out cat dying noise. Just awful. Oh wait, I think I have something that will demonstrate perfectly.
Tiny little black bird (Not the name I just couldn't find it in a list of Australian birds. Yeah, I'm cool, I look at Australian bird lists.): Not really much to say rather than they're very entertaining to watch. Every time they stand still for a little while they do this little thing where they shake their tail feather. Yes, just like the rap song. Anyway, I could watch these things for hours just jump around and then do their little dance.
Australia as a whole is like a crazy fauna haven. It's like the weirdest birds and animals came here and decided to set up camp. I mean marsupials? Whoever came up with that idea must've been on something. "Like they'll be mammals, right? But they don't have babies the regular way...no, no. They're gonna have their babies in a pouch. But it'll be totally groovy because they'll give people a reason to come gawk and take pictures in Australia. Sweeeeeet."
It almost sounds like a lazy baby dying.
not that I know what that sounds like.
Luke, this trip sounds awesome! BTW I def laughed for a while at the title of your blog. I mean it was like 2 minutes later when I got it...yeah it takes me a while. :) I can't wait to hear more about your experiences and I hope u continue to have a great time!
PERTH GIRL HERE! i loved reading an outsiders perspective of the beautiful city i have been born and raised in! And that little dancing black bird you were referring to is called a "willy wag tail"
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